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Devon Olivia
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Has been favorited by
37 people
I'm a:Business Dev/Sales
I'm looking for:Coder/Designer
Industry:Mobile Apps
Learn more about me @
Devon Olivia

My location

Los Angeles, CA, United States

I have an idea and I'm looking for a Co-Founder

What am I looking for
I'm looking for a co-founder that can help me bring my business to market. I am currently based in Los Angeles and am looking for someone who also lives in LA. I have a background in Accounting and Finance and started my own non-profit and have worked with great entrepreneurs. I am looking for someone who has skills that complement mine so we can each focus on our strengths and make this company successful. I I am really excited with the current direction it has gone and I would love a partner that I can work with from the beginning. This is my first startup and although I haven't done this before I have worked hard to surround myself with other entrepreneurs- I would love a co-founder who has previously started a company and is looking for their next big opportunity.
My idea's stage
I am looking for Co-founder that can contribute at least:
week hous
a week
I can contribute at least :*
Full Time
week hous
a week
"Nothing works better than just improving your product" - Joel Spolsky

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