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Donnie Lee
New York, US
Has been favorited by
0 people
I'm a:Business Dev/Product
I'm looking for:Business Dev/Marketing Wizard
Learn more about me @
Donnie Lee

My location

New York, US

I have an idea and I'm looking for a Co-Founder

I would make a good co-founder as I'm loyal, inquisitive, and overall bring a good perspective to business. This isn't my first try at business and I've succeeded in the past but with this one I want the extra support and insight that a partner can bring to ultimately bring this vision into reality.
What am I looking for
I have an online coaching business incorporating neuroscience and manifestation and am looking for a cofounder that can bring an expertise in getting more clients and help me with developing out the greater vision as ultimately I want to expand this into a research institute to create new and more effective techniques for life transformation.
My idea's stage
I am looking for Co-founder that can contribute at least:
week hous
a week
I can contribute at least :*
week hous
a week
It's not that we need new ideas, but we need to stop having old ideas- Edwin Land

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