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What to Look for in a Co-Founder

by Maja Sherman on 11/6/2023 12:00:00 AM ยท

What should you look for in a co-founder? In searching for a co-founder one must consider both the short and long-term future of the company. The start-up culture is also an important determinant in finding the correct co-founder. Each co-founder should have the same vision for the company and the same sense of desired company culture. The best co-founder will possess the combination of knowledge and skills, business approach and work ethic and, last but not least, passion for the product being created. Below are more specific qualities to look for in a co-founder.


Knowledge and skills that differ, but complement, the other co-founder(s) are essential. Some level of technical understanding that will drive the business forward promotes a more productive working environment where each person involved can contribute to a particular aspect of the business. Strong communication skills are key. Whether communicating with co-founders, investors, or users, developed communication skills are a necessary asset to a founding team. Each founder should be clear about their expectations and goals regarding the direction of the company. Each co-founder should have their company's interests in mind, first and foremost. Personal gain should not be the main concern of any co-founder. Each founder should have an ability to complete hands-on work. In a new company, founders should be involved in all tasks as well as crosscheck other co-founders' work to ensure the best end result. Last but not least -- passion! Each co-founder must have a passon for the product. When things get challenging this passion is what will maintain a high level of motivation and drive to advance the business. Passion will boost morale and help sustain a productive and enjoyable working environment. 

Co-Founder, Israeli co-founder, start-up

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