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Ismael Dembele
London, UK
Has been favorited by
0 people
I'm a:Business Dev/Sales
I'm looking for:Coder/UX
Industry:Internet - Business
Learn more about me @
Ismael Dembele

My location

London, UK

I have an idea and I'm looking for a Co-Founder

Former startup founder; now working in software sales for major data company - have an idea for a sales platform that could eventually tie into a wider ecosystem. It’s early but there’s some promising traction with the first idea already…
What am I looking for
Zovo - interactive call scripts for revenue teams of all sizes. Currently there’s no SaaS platform for interactive call scripts for sales and marketing teams (I should know, I work in sales). Everyone either uses Word or Google Docs but they no longer suit the modern reality of sales - personalised, dynamic and context-driven. So I’m building a platform to fix that. It’s a multibillion dollar market already ($13bn by 2030), and we have a prototype which I’m trialling at my job, with exceptional results and feedback so far. We’ve got technical diagrams and the whole works already, just need a great engineer to build and hopefully be a part of the company. The idea is to then build out Zovo into an ecosystem consisting of it and three other ideas i’m working on, spanning data analytics, immersive experiences and finance. But we’ll get to that.
My idea's stage
I am looking for Co-founder that can contribute at least:
week hous
a week
I can contribute at least :*
week hous
a week
"Love is not important only equity counts" - Your devil's advocate

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