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Amitesh Misra
Has been favorited by
4 people
I'm a:Business Dev/Coder
I'm looking for:Marketing Wizard/Sales
Industry:Online Media
Learn more about me @
Amitesh Misra

My location


I have an idea and I'm looking for a Co-Founder

I am an IIT Bombay graduate with a successful startup already running. I have launched another startup for book lovers and writers... I have great tech background and experience in running a business
What am I looking for
We are looking for a marketing and sales guy to ramp up our operations...
My idea's stage
I am looking for Co-founder that can contribute at least:
week hous
a week
I can contribute at least :*
week hous
a week
It's not that we need new ideas, but we need to stop having old ideas- Edwin Land

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