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New York, US
Has been favorited by
0 people
I'm a:Coder/Designer
I'm looking for:Business Dev
Industry:Social Networking
Learn more about me @

My location

New York, US

I have an idea and I'm looking for a Co-Founder

Wongsking is a foody site that brings us great methods to cook food, way of cooking it, and usage of containers and gadgets. In today's world, many restaurants are utilizing such instruments. Food lovers and bloggers will get attracted to new and modern tips and approach people to use them. It provides us with a rich amount of info related to food containers and gadgets to cope with easily.
What am I looking for
Food lovers and bloggers will get attracted to new and modern tips and approach people to use them.
My idea's stage
I am looking for Co-founder that can contribute at least:
week hous
a week
I can contribute at least :*
week hous
a week
"Nothing works better than just improving your product" - Joel Spolsky

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