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Mbabazi Hillary
London, UK
Has been favorited by
0 people
I'm a:Business Dev/Marketing Wizard
I'm looking for:Business Dev/Marketing Wizard
Industry:Mobile Apps
Learn more about me @
Mbabazi Hillary

My location

London, UK

I have an idea and I'm looking for a Co-Founder

I have an academic background in Marketing and Computer engineering. my strength lies in marketing, scanning the environment, and getting innovative solutions out of it. My input lies in corporate marketing and creating leads that will create revenue for the business
What am I looking for
this idea helps micro businesses get potential markets and customers online. ALso be able to get credit on low interest rates to boost their online stores
My idea's stage
I am looking for Co-founder that can contribute at least:
week hous
a week
I can contribute at least :*
week hous
a week
"Nothing works better than just improving your product" - Joel Spolsky

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